Microbial Organic Acids Test (MOAT) - Urine


The Microbial Organic Acids Test (MOAT) is part of the Organic Acids Test (OAT) and measures metabolites produced by yeast and bacteria. This test provides valuable insights into gut health by identifying microbial imbalances and dysbiosis, which can affect overall health.

Test Panels:

Measures 21 urinary organic acids, including markers for beneficial bacteria, harmful bacteria, Clostridia species, Candida species, yeast, and fungal metabolites.


Urine sample.

Turnaround Time:

1-2 weeks

Sample Reports:

Reports include detailed results on microbial metabolites and general markers of dysbiosis, aiding in the assessment of gut health and the identification of imbalances.

Patients to Benefit from Testing:

Individuals with symptoms and conditions related to microbial imbalances, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Obesity
  • Overall health optimization
  • Analytes:
  • The MOAT measures various metabolites, including:
  • Citramalic
  • 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-Furoic
  • 3-Oxoglutaric
  • Furan-2,5-Dicarboxylic
  • Furancarbonylglycine
  • Tartaric
  • Arabinose
  • Carboxycitric
  • Tricarballylic
  • 2-Hydroxyphenylacetic
  • 4-Hydroxyphenylacetic
  • 4-Hydroxybenzoic
  • 4-Hydroxyhippuric
  • HPHPA (Clostridia marker)
  • 4-Cresol
  • DHPPA (beneficial bacteria)
  • Hippuric
  • 3-Indoleacetic
  • 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric
  • 2-Hydroxyhippuric
  • Creatinine

Microbial Organic Acids Test