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Skin Care (DNA) Test

Skin Care DNA Test

A Skin DNA test is the pinnacle of preventive skin care, allowing you to better control the aging process by examining your unique genetic makeup. The Skin Care DNA test we offer is the most modern and creative DNA test available, and it should serve as the foundation for your skin treatment and care – because everyone’s skin is unique.

  • Results in 30-45 working days.
  • Identify your skin’s hereditary traits.
  • Our kit is simple to use and includes support throughout the process.

Taking you Skin to the Next Level

Many beauticians and store workers will simply recommend a cream based on whether your skin is dry, oily, or normal. This is not sufficient. Skin care is more than just choosing the perfect lotion. The correct cream and skin care regimen can only be optimized by understanding your genes and scientifically determining what truly works for your DNA. This DNA test produces results within 30 to 45 working days of receiving samples.

Seven (7) different aspects of skin care in your results:

The Skin Care DNA test will determine if you are at high, medium, or low risk in all of the following seven components of skin aging:

Category 1: Fine lines and wrinkles. One factor contributing to wrinkles is our bodies’ ability to produce collagen or the rate at which it degrades. Another major element is the process of glycation. Glycation is heavily influenced by our sugar (glucose) consumption and our ability to genetically cleanse our bodies of Advanced Glycation End Products (A.G.E), which are byproducts of sugar metabolism. These glycation end products harm skin proteins, inhibiting collagen and elastin formation or contributing to their breakdown. Certain gene polymorphisms make us more susceptible to glycation; do you have these variations? Find out with our Skin Care DNA test.

Category 2: Sun Protection- Are you genetically inclined to sun damage, pigmentation, and skin discoloration caused by the sun’s harmful UV rays, or do you have genes that provide increased solar protection (natural genetic solar protection factor)? The findings of this step of the test will help you determine how much sun you can tolerate, what type of sunscreens you should apply, and their strength.

Category 3: Skin Sensitivity: Have you ever broken out in spots? Is your skin itchy or sensitive? Rashes? What’s triggering these inflammatory responses? This part of the test will determine whether you are genetically inclined to skin inflammation and sensitivity, two important elements in aging. The test may help you avoid factors that raise sensitivity.

Category 4: Skin elasticity: The skin should be soft and able to stretch cleanly back to its original shape. Collagen and elastin give skin structure, but some of us may be genetically predisposed to lose this natural suppleness.

Category 5: Pigmentation: Melanin is a pigment that absorbs and dissipates ultraviolet radiation. It prevents UV radiation from harming DNA by inhibiting free radicals, which may cause skin cancer.

Category 6: Collagen quality – Collagen, a protein that gives skin a plump and ironed appearance, determines its firmness and elasticity. As we age, fine lines and wrinkles form because our body’s ability to rebuild collagen declines. This test will clarify whether you have an imbalance in the genes involved for collagen synthesis and breakdown, as well as whether you are genetically susceptible to premature ageing.

Category 7: Skin antioxidants. How capable is your skin of manufacturing antioxidants to combat free radical damage? Much of your ability is genetic. The plumpy, fresh, youthful appearance is heavily reliant on antioxidants in your body, which help combat the extremely reactive free radicals that circulate throughout your body, ready to destroy any other molecule they come across.

Note: The SkinCareDNA test has been scientifically shown to aid in skin treatment and personalizing your skin care regimen so that it compliments your genes and improves the appearance of your skin. However, the process of aging cannot be stopped, only slowed. Skin care, as well as factors we can control, such as sun exposure, nutrition, and lifestyle, will all have a significant impact on how we age. Other variables that contribute to aging, such as gravity and time, are beyond our control.

Skin Care (DNA) Test