IgE Food Allergy Tests


We offer a range of tests to help identify food and allergy sensitivities, providing valuable insights into potential allergens and guiding personalized care. Here’s a brief overview of the different tests available:

IgE Food Allergy Tests

These tests measure IgE antibodies in response to specific food allergens, identifying potential food allergies. Elevated IgE levels indicate an allergic reaction that can cause symptoms ranging from mild (sneezing, runny nose) to severe (anaphylaxis).

Test Panels:
  1. Basic Panel: Tests 26 common food allergens.
  2. Advanced Panel: Tests 92 common food allergens.
Turnaround Time:

1-2 weeks

Clinically Important Groups:
  1. Dairy
  2. Legumes
  3. Fruit
  4. Grains
  5. Fish/Seafood
  6. Meat
  7. Nuts and Seeds
  8. Vegetables
  9. Miscellaneous

For detailed results and personalized advice, our tests offer easy-to-understand reports, and our customer support team is available to assist with any questions.

 IgE Food Allergy Tests