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Discovering your ancestry and being able to trace your family heritage by participating in DNA testing is something that has changed the lives of many families. There are so many mysteries and questions that can be revealed by something so simple. After receiving the results of your DNA test kit, it can open the door to the next steps. So you have some basic information about your family, but what next? Dynamic DNA Labs shares a few things you should do after you get your results.

Explore your country of origin

One of the many things a DNA testing kit will show you is your family ancestry. People usually have a general idea of ​​their heritage and roots; however, these hunches are not always accurate. DNA testing can often even trace back each generation to give you an idea of ​​how long it took to get to where you are now! After getting the results, do some research in your home country. Just this little survey gives you a better idea of ​​your family, yourself and your tendencies.

Reach out to the family

The advantage of DNA testing is that it allows you to discover new family members or members of your family with whom you have lost contact. Sharing your information with them will start a relationship that was lost along the way!

Even if you don’t discover any new relatives, you should take the next step of talking to your immediate and extended family. Discussions of heritage and lineage don’t often come up in casual conversation, so there’s something to be learned.

Start building your family tree

Family trees are becoming more and more rare as time goes on. It used to be very common to have a handwritten family tree mixed in with historical documents. They start with the older generations of the family and are very accurate when kept up to date. Just by recording the names of individual family members, you can learn so much more with advances in technology!

Start a conversation with your family

After learning about your DNA, start a conversation with your relatives. Grandparents or great-grandparents are the custodians of a significant part of family history. These questions are the springboard to the vast amount of information that needs to be discovered. If your grandparents were immigrants to your native country, there are stories that have been lost over time. These conversations also bring your family members together and invite them on a journey of learning with you.




Dynamic DNA Labs. (n.d.). Next Steps After Getting Your Ancestry DNA Test Results. Retrieved from https://dynamicdnalabs.com/blogs/news/next-steps-after-getting-your-ancestry-dna-test-results

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