DNA Tests

Nutrition DNA Test

Discover how your genetic makeup influences your nutritional needs and metabolism.

What We Test:
  • Macronutrient metabolism (carbohydrates, fats, proteins)
  • Micronutrient absorption (vitamins, minerals)
  • Food intolerances and sensitivities
  • Response to caffeine, alcohol, and other dietary factors
  • Genetic predispositions related to weight management

Fitness DNA Test

Gain insights into how your genes impact your fitness potential, exercise response, and injury risk.

What We Test:
  • Muscle composition and strength
  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Endurance capabilities
  • Injury susceptibility and recovery
  • Optimal exercise types and intensity levels for your genetic profile

Skin DNA Test

Understand your skin’s unique genetic characteristics and discover personalized skincare recommendations.

What We Test:
  • Skin type (dry, oily, combination)
  • Susceptibility to aging (wrinkles, sun damage)
  • Response to environmental factors (sun exposure, pollution)
  • Predisposition to certain skin conditions (acne, eczema, psoriasis)
  • Ideal skincare ingredients and products for your genetic makeup

Personality DNA Test

Explore the genetic basis of your personality traits and tendencies.

What We Test:
  • Personality dimensions (e.g., extraversion, neuroticism, openness)
  • Behavioral tendencies (e.g., risk-taking, empathy, impulsivity)
  • Emotional regulation and resilience
  • Response to stress and adversity
  • Genetic factors influencing cognitive functions and decision-making

Wanderlust DNA Test

Uncover genetic insights into your travel preferences and adventurous spirit.

What We Test:
  • Genetic predispositions related to curiosity and novelty-seeking behavior
  • Tendencies towards exploration and risk-taking
  • Sensitivity to environmental and cultural factors
  • Preferred travel destinations and activities based on genetic influences
  • Genetic factors influencing adaptability to new environments

Cannabis DNA Test

Discover how your body metabolizes THC and CBD and understand potential effects and dosage recommendations.

What We Test:
  • THC and CBD metabolism
  • Potential negative effects from cannabis use
  • Personalized product selection and dosage recommendations based on genetic factors

Paternity DNA Test

Reliable confirmation of paternity through confidential DNA analysis.

What We Test:
  • Paternity confirmation with high accuracy
  • Fully confidential results
  • Simple and easy cheek swab collection process

Siblingship DNA Test

Confirmation of familial relationships through DNA analysis.

What We Test:
  • Determination of sibling relationships
  • Comparison of genetic markers to establish biological connections
  • Fully confidential results with easy-to-understand reports

These DNA tests provide valuable insights into various aspects of health, personality, relationships, and lifestyle preferences based on individual genetic makeup.